Community Broadband Networks | Corning

Bringing broadband to your community

Bringing broadband to your community

Broadband expansion extends beyond economics, influencing health, education, and social connectivity. Opt for the right network architecture in community broadband initiatives. Corning, a leader in broadband product architecture, offers tailored solutions. Explore fiber network options, efficient broadband products, and future-ready scalability.

Whether deploying fiber for homes or optimizing community networks, Corning's expertise shapes the future of connectivity. Join us in this transformative journey, empowering communities for generations with our commitment to broadband for the home and cutting-edge fiber to the home architectures.

6 Steps to Follow in Planning Your Community Broadband Network

6 Steps to Follow in Planning Your Community Broadband Network

Whether you’re an experienced network operator or tackling broadband for the first time, the following steps will help you create and manage a plan to implement a broadband network in your community.

Build Awareness and Understand Demand 1. Build Awareness and Understand Demand
Communicate and engage with your community to identify needs and address concerns.
Define the Project 2. Define the Project

Establish scope of the project, answer any questions, collect data, make plans for the project.
Design the Network 3. Design the Network
Gather insights, tips, and best practices to ensure your network is designed and optimized for the future.
Fund your network 4. Secure Funding
Identify funding sources, apply, and manage regulations and timelines.
deploy community broadband network 5. Deployment
Develop your implementation plan, establish formal processes, and build your network.
Operate and Maintain 6. Operate and Maintain
Document operating and maintenance procedures and manage resources to keep your network running smoothly.

Let’s connect to create a community broadband solution that’s right for you today and scalable for generations to come.

Ready to bring broadband to your community?

We’re here to answer your questions. Fill out the form!

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